For example,Бобцов



A generalized analysis of an innovative group of diffraction interferometry methods and instruments is presented in comparison with traditional interferometers. New possibilities are considered for reducing the error and increasing the sensitivity of measurements, obtaining reliable results of metrologically high quality. Reliability is achieved through diffraction and a stable reference wavefront that is not sensitive to vibration, thermal and gravitational influences. The devices considered use a reference wavefront formed on an unpolished optical surface. The front is formed with negligible errors as a result of diffraction of a laser beam focused on a pinhole in a metal screen. The feasibility of developing diffraction interferometry methods based on new schematic solutions and modern element base using assessment of the image quality of optical systems with computer decoding of the interferogram and the mathematical apparatus of interferometric information processing is noted. The proposed approach can be applied in real optical production, medical practice, and scientific research.


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