For example,Бобцов

The Economic Behavior of Insurance Market Participants in Relation to Unemployment Insurance: A Sociological Approach


The article examines the economic behavior of the insurance market participants with regard to unemployment insurance. The structure of types of unemployment insurance and methods for their implementation determine the social orientation of the economy as a whole. The influence of economic laws and ethical prerequisites, without which it is difficult to achieve the necessary results and look forward to strengthening public confidence in the Insurance Institute has identified a number of sociological laws of development of unemployment insurance. Sociological approach allows to evaluate the interaction of the subjects in the multilateral system of social relations. This article is based on the results of two sociological research tasks which were as follows: 1) find out if there might have an insurance company to purchase a product - like unemployment insurance, if "yes" under what conditions; 2) to find out the attitude of Russians to the unemployment insurance.


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