For example,Бобцов

The Technology and Innovation Support Center for the effective management of innovation


At present the formation, strengthening and development of innovative base in Russia as a whole, and in different regions of the country in particular, it is important to develop and implement innovative strategies, the effectiveness of which is primarily depends on the availability of appropriate information support. The article deals with the practical experience of the Technology and Innovation Support Center (hereinafter - TISC) in St. Petersburg on organization and conduction of activities that contribute to the formation and development of an integrated system of patent information support of innovative development of the city. It explains the role of the TISC as one of the most important components of the innovation infrastructure of St. Petersburg in formation and development of the intellectual property market, exerting a positive influence on the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region, as well as in formation of innovative information environment,  facilitating the solving of the main tasks for Innovative development of the city, defined by the Concept of social-economic development of St. Petersburg until 2025.


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